HOME PAGE FAMILY EMERGENCY PLAN FAMILY FINANCES LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE 5 DAY SURVIVAL KIT SURVIVAL GUIDE LONG TERM SURVIVAL FIRST AID COMMUNICATIONS GARDENING TERRORIST ATTACKS EARTHQUAKE SURVIVAL SANITATION KNOT TYING DUTCH OVEN COOKING GUN MAINTENANCE AMMUNITION RELOADING "Courage is being scared to death....and saddling up anyway" - John Wayne | LONG TERM SURVIVAL NEEDS What if you are faced with an Longer Term Emergency situation? A situation in which traveling to the store for your needs is not possible. A situation in which food, water, power or fuel are not readily available. Would you be ready? History has proved that man-made or natural disasters do happen. Who are we to think that it could never happen to us? The Long Term Survival Needs List is a starter list for getting prepared for the unknown. Use this list as a guide to create your own personal list, that will be tailored to your families needs. to review the Long-Term Survival Needs List |